Programmes and Courses

EDMworks Programmes and Courses

Training Programmes and Courses

We provide a wide range of programmes and courses to support the development of individuals and organisations in a data centric world.  We are unique in focusing on knowledge, skills and cultural aspects relating to data management.  We provide communications and training to a wide audience including top management, operations, development, governance and oversight people.

Strategy, architecture and management

The world is constantly changing and organisations have to adapt to stay relevant and grow.  Every organisation is unique. It has its own history, has specific strengths and weaknesses and sees the world from a unique perspective.   

Internal and external data have become central to most organisations so viable strategy and achievable architecture are critical components of the management agenda. 

Our courses describe how to create and execute viable strategies to achieve organisational objectives. They explain how to create architecture that can be implemented. They describe the roles and accountabilities of senior managers in today's regulated environment and explain how to adapt them for successful data management. Our courses in this area include:

Strategic Data Planning Creating a viable strategy relevant to an organisation is a critical component of today’s data driven world.  2 days
Data Architecture and design Data architecture describes your vision for data and explains the viable pathway for the attainment of that vision and the delivery of its benefits..  2 days
Data Architecture and Modelling in Finance An overview of the end to end creation and implementation of effective data architecture.  1 day
Senior Management Perspectives Risk, privacy and trading regulation are all insisting on senior management accountability for data..   1/2 day

Regulatory Data Management

There is a constant wave of regulation impacting organisations. Risk and trading regulation is largely a result of the financial crash of 2007/8. Privacy regulation is a result of changing technology and the behaviour of individual and organisations. Generally it all impacts data so our programme provides an integrated view of regulation to help you plan and implement more effectively.

Risk Data Management Programme A collection of courses addressing a range of staff to implement BCBS 239 risk data management principles across the organisation.  Various
BCBS 239 Key Facts and Impacts An eLearning module describing "what good looks like", the principles of the regulation and current industry best practice.  90 mins
GDPR Key Facts and Impacts An eLearning module describing the General Data Protection Regulation and current best practice for implementation 90 mins
Joined up Regulatory Data Management Virtually every regulation impacts data so it is important to have a data model that enables you to deal with regulation in a joined-up way.   1 day
Senior Manager Regime On 7th March 2016, the Senior Manager and Certification Regime(SMCR) was implemented as a self-regulating framework for senior management accountabilities across the finance sector. This provides the legislative structure for the PRA/FCA to demand individual accountability for and oversight of critical business functions. The NISD, GDPR and other financial regulations (e.g. MIFID II, AML, KYC) will use this framework to ensure personal accountability for data assets across the organisation.  1/2 day

Data Quality Management

Every organisation needs fit for purpose data. Who decides what fitness means and what are the measures, processes, tools and organisation to control data quality?  What is the best risk based approach to allocating scarce resources to achieve good data.  Our courses in this area include:

Data Quality Management The goals, process, organisation and tools of effective data quality management.  Lessons learned from other industries. The importance of culture in quality initiatives  1 day
Data Ownership and Accountability A cornerstone of data quality is ownership and accountability for data. Data is a shared resource so there are many aspects of ownership involving both consumers, producers and other parties. Best practice industry models for ownership.   1 day

Data Modelling, Design and Implementation

The ability to execute strategy and implement fit for purpose, robust, efficient, secure AND MAINTAINABLE data systems is a core capability for any significant organisation.  

Many organisations are challenged in this area with a proliferation of legacy systems, development processes and documentation systems.  

Continuous, repeatable success and innovation IS ALWAYS based on sound design, high quality well maintained specifications and excellent communication with architects, developers and end users.  Our courses focus on these key attributes and include:

Data Modelling in finance Introduction to data modeling and its application to financial and investment systems.  2 days
Enterprise Data Model and Master Data Management Introduction to the concept of enterprise data model and master data management for core subject areas. Describes complex structures and their maintenance 3 days
Writing Data Transformation Specifications A key part of effective data management is the creation and maintenance of high quality mapping and transformation specifications. This course describes best practice and shows how to create a complex, multi-feed specification with complex interdepencies.   2 days
Enterprise Data Dictionary and Inventory Management Enterprise Data Dictionary/Glossary is the cornerstone of effective data management. Thc course describes different types of dictionary, common pitfalls, how to create and maintain definitions and inventory of usage.  2 days

Subject Matter Expertise

Do you have the expertise you need on data?

Organisations are constantly in flux. Major programmes may be underway to improve customer experience, satisfy regulation or improve efficiency. People change roles and crucial know-how goes with them.

Data lies at the heart of an organisation so it is critical that development and sharing of deep knowledge around core data becomes part of the culture of the organisation.

Developing Subject Matter Experts provides security, continuity and flexibility for organisations.Becoming a Subject Matter Expert empowers the individual to take on more responsibility and to grow into larger, more important roles. SME's are central to the development of efficient operations, business intelligence and effective decision making.

Organisations must continually learn and one way they achieve this is through the development of SME's. We run various workshops and tailored programmes around data subject areas enabling firms to develop and maintain and apply expert knowledge. Topic areas include

Subject matter expert workshops (call or email us for details)

Scope includes


core attributes and relationships

common symbologies and mappings


temporal aspects


data models

Workshops cover

Asset Classes (inc cash and derivatives)


People and Organisations (inc Legal Entities)


Ledgers, Accounts and postings

Funds, Vehicles and investment structures

Transactions, Positions/Holdings

Pricing, Rates

Corporate Actions.  


Governance, Risk, Compliance, Audit and Oversight

Governance, Risk, Compliance, Audit and Oversight have become central to the challenge of gaining control of data, getting business benefit and helping formulate future direction. Our courses in this area include

Agile Data Governance Data governance lies at the the core of all client engagement, regulatory, risk, efficiency and cost reduction programmes. This course describes the best practice agile, iterative approach.  1 days
Effective Audit and Control Audit increasingly carries out a self regulatory function for many regulations. Data lies at the heart so new approaches, controls and partnerships have to be formed by Audit. This course describes enhancements to empower Audit to ensure the organisation has an effective and powerful agenda for managing data.  1 days

Graduates and New Joiners

Your intake of graduates and new joiners is a major investment for the future. It is imperative to provide them with comprehensive, challenging and incremental programme that will give them a complete grounding in a modern organisation.

If you embed data into your new joiners understanding of the world, you will have equipped your next generation of management with a major strategic advantage. . Our courses in this area include:

Quick Start Quick Start is an intensive 2 week programme that can be integrated into your own graduate programme or ran as a stand-alone. It will provide graduates and new entrants with a data centric view of their business, provide practical skills for end to end designing, acquiring and delivering data (using business intelligence).  10 days
Incremental Incremental, as the name implies, allows incremental development of data related knowledge and skills over an extended period, typically of the first year. Incremental describes organisations from different perspectives (finance, executive, sales, marketing, customer, investor, regulator etc.) and examines the end to end journey of data from transactions into the balance sheets, marketing reports and other key documents. All aspects of data management are covered. It delivers tremendous insight into your next generation of management and is an excellent investment in people..  various

Data Practitioner Foundation

Data is complex. It is a reflection of the real world as seen by others. It has to be processed and integrated to become meaningful to different parts of the organisation that use and exploit it.

Mastery of data is a team game played by knowledgeable individuals. Specialist knowledge, skills and experience are needed for development, implementation, operation and governance of the resulting (often complex) data environment. A firm grounding in a range of data related skills and business knowledge is the best foundation for a career and advancement in data. EDMworks Data Practitioner Certification is a recognised by the industry for setting a high standard across a comprehensive set of skills and knowledge

ONE course, FOUR certifications. From September 2016, the EDMworks Data Practitioner course offers FOUR certifications:

    • EDMworks Data Practitioner Foundation Certification
    • EDMworks BCBS 239 Risk Data Management Certification for risk data management, aggregation and reporting
    • EDMworks GDPR Certification for Privacy and Consent
    • FISD Financial Information Associate (FIA) Certification (subject to FISD separate exam)

Data Practitioner Foundation

The practitioner course provides a broad foundation of data related skill and knowledge including team interaction and collaboration.  The course coverage includes:

Domain knowledge for legal entities, people, asset classes and basic transaction types

Relevant regulation

Data modelling and design

Data quality management

Data ownership

Team working

Data governance 

2 days plus apprx 7hrs eLearning
Financial and Information Services Division (FISD) of the SIIA certification (see below).

From September 2016, the FISD certification syllabus will be incorporated into the coverage of the EDMworks Data Practitioner Course. See the full FISD syllabus here:

eLearning included with the Data Practitioner Foundation Course

From September 2016, the following eLearning packages are incorporated into the basic practitioner course for no extra charge:

BCBC 239 Key Facts and Impacts, providing an excellent and comprehensive introduction to enterprise wide Risk Data Management

GDPR Key Facts and Impacts, providing an excellent and comprehensive introduction to data privacy regulation and best practice for data management

EDMworks Practitioner eLearning, comprising supporting videos, quizzes and other supporting materials

Industry Certifications FISD

Professional certification from FISD will establish your credentials in the increasingly complex and competitive financial information industry. The Financial Information Associate (FIA) certification is the first formal accreditation for market and reference data practitioners and will only be awarded to those who pass this formal examination.

The Financial Information Associate (FIA) certification


The FIA sets the industry standard for the foundation knowledge for market data professionals.   The syllabus can be viewed here. Registration is by joining the EDMworks Data Practitioner Foundation Course which now covers the FISD syllabus.

Corporate tailored versions

Tailored versions of any of the above courses, videos or eLearning materials are available for your internal uses.   

Tailoring gives you real relevance and resonance to your organisation.

These can be run as stand-alone modules or integrated into your own internal training programmes.

Common case studies with extensive client contributions

We have great case studies!

We have been working for over 20 years with clients from different sectors building up a repository of real world examples of data related issues and practices.

Our clients actively encourage the incorporation of (usually anonymised) issues that have either caused significant issues or provided insights into potential improvements in managing data.  

These case studies are a major strength of our organisation.

They can be used by you to become a major asset for your organisation.


+44 (0) 20 3397 3462

37 Warren St, London, W1 6AD 

Last modified: Monday, 26 September 2016, 1:28 PM

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